Back to Follow IainIain’s App signals an exit on MSFT, NVDA and INTCJuly 3, 2018 Leave a Comment Last week the LEAP* Indicator signalled exits on Microsoft (MSFT), Nvidia (NVDA) and Intel (INTC) and Iain received immediate alert notifications on his phone.Iain originally bought Intel (INTC) at $49.00 on the 3rd April according to the buy signal on his App and his simple Investment Plan rules.The LEAP* Indicator signalled a new entry on QQQ on May 30th and Iain received an immediate alert notification on his phone.Iain sold INTC at market on June 27th at a price of $49.19 resulting in a small profit of $112.70 including a dividend.The following day he also sold MSFT at market, at a price of $97.38 after initially purchasing it for $91.48 on March 22nd and made a real money profit of $757.68 including a small dividend.The last of the App sell signals was executed on NVDA also at market on June 28th at a price of $235.32, realising a loss of $558.69, after entering at $247.39 on May 24th.Iain held INTC, MSFT and NVDA as three of nine positions in his Satellite Portfolio, which is allocated 45% of his total Investment funds.Iain is once again waiting patiently for the next LEAP indicator signal on the Share Wealth App.That’s the simplicity of using the LEAP Indicator to manage your Investment portfolio.If you’d like to learn how the SPA3 Investor Process actually works on either the U.S. or ASX markets and the great results it continues to achieve, please watch this recent webinar.And it all takes less than 15 minutes a week.Regards, Gary.* LEAP = Low Effort Adaptive PrecisionIf you’d like to see more on how our systems work, please contact Shane Archer by phone +613 95850300 or 1300 786 257 (AUS) or 1-800 3921257 (US) or email